Telsasoft’s service assurance software ensures that the right message gets to the right people at the right time
Telecom Service Assurance Software
When your equipment raises an alarm, are the right people getting notified soon enough to quickly address the problem? If you have an outage or performance problem at one of your sites, how will you find out? Do you have enough capacity, not just for today, but for six months or a year from now?
Some of our Customers

“We needed a solution that could monitor our multi-vendor, multi-technology platform. Being a hosted switching provider, NewCore also had the requirement of partitioning performance data in order to provide our customers with performance reports for their respective cell sites. Telsasoft allowed us to deliver this service quickly and in an easy-to-use, scalable solution. The Telsasoft tools give us the visibility we need and we are very happy with the product and their customer service.”

“Telsasoft provides a great value for the rural carrier. I feel that the Telsasoft alarm and performance server saves me an entire FTE in my department. We can easily spot trends in performance at our sites. The flexibility in the alarming module allows us to customize our on-call call out procedures saving us time and money.”
“Cellular One needed a cost effective solution for Network Performance Monitoring, Alarm Notification and Trouble Ticket Resolution. After reviewing several alternatives, the Telsasoft suite of software modules provided the solution that meets our needs. We continue to enhance our performance and improve the customer experience with the Telsasoft product.”
“We rely on Telsasoft alarm and performance management products to view our network problems and trends. They are vital to our network operations and are simple to use. The product support staff is knowledgeable and quite flexible when new product needs or issues arise.”

“I have worked with several different statistics reporting and monitoring tools in my career with Telsasoft’s OpsAlert being the most recent; I have found Telsasoft’s greatest strength to be their flexibility. I have never heard the words “No” or “Can’t” from the staff at Telsasoft. They have responded swiftly and exceeded expectations on every request I have made of them. This on top of an intuitive user interface and the statistical accuracy our organization relies on has made it easy for me to recommend Teslasoft to industry colleagues.”
“I really appreciate the good customer service that I receive from you folks. We have built our business on customer service and products like yours will only help us to improve our service to our customers.”
“You guys are ALWAYS so helpful, professional, knowledgeable, and kind to our Pioneer Team! I do not think I have ever called and asked for a feature or report that you couldn’t deliver! Your turn around time is amazing! Great—Great—Great Company to work with! Thank you for all that you do and for always being available to us! … You guys ROCK!”

“…TecAlert is the lifeblood for the on-call individual across all services.”
“We have been using Telsasoft products for several years now. The view we get into our wireless network troubles and trends is very clear. Telsasoft has done a fantastic job of translating operational measurements from our Nortel equipment and making them available in layman’s terms. The translated information and graphs are just what managers like to see. This is done in near real-time.
The alarm system has enabled technicians to act as Net Ops Centers and monitor not only alarms but the operational measurements anywhere they have Internet access. TecAlert has also cut deeply into our ‘windshield time’ by providing better information to troubleshoot service issues. OpsAlert’s reports have been invaluable in providing quick information on everything from CDRs to channel element capacity.
The support from Telsasoft is one of a kind. The support team must be psychic. The remote monitoring they do and the time difference between our locations have allowed them to become aware of and repair issues before we start our day. They are very quick to respond to calls and questions also.”
“The Telsasoft product suite has quickly become our primary resource for network reporting, trouble recognition and in several cases a tool for fault location. It is the primary Network ‘Microscope’ that we use for all Network Operations Surveillance. The use of the TecAlert tools have helped us improved our Site fault and restoration time better than 30% over the past year. OpsAlert has become our primary KPI reporting instrument with applications that benefit practically every department from RF to Care. It truly has been a value adds.”
“We currently use Telsasoft’s TecAlert, OpsAlert, and TroubleAid products. The products are very user friendly and easy to use. Telsasoft was able to bring this to market quickly and accurately and implementation was painless. Telsasoft continues to grow with our company as technologies and performance measurements change. The Staff at Telsasoft, has some of the quickest response times of any company I have worked with and, are always very pleasant. Telsasoft works hard to make sure customer statistics are accurate at all times. It has been my pleasure to work with such a customer focused company.”
“We use the TelsaSoft Monitoring Solution extensively to keep our Mobile RAN & Core networks at their apex. I strongly recommend the solution to aid with any operator’s network monitoring and reporting needs.”
“Our roaming department uses Telsasoft reporting almost daily. Many times it is the most efficient second step for troubleshooting (after verifying provisioning is correct) in order to find the time and location of calls as well as important information like what network the customer is using; it also includes error codes which can point us in the right direction. In some cases, Telsasoft is the only needed tool for troubleshooting customers’ or roaming customers’ issues.We also use it to help analyze potential new discount agreements with roaming partners. It is one of the best ways to get a quick picture of daily traffic levels and the only way to get some specific information, such as the average KB/record for a roaming partner, especially when it is necessary view KB/record on each APN. The Telsasoft team is always very quick to add additional functionality and usability to the reporting system as we request it. The typical turnaround time for simple improvements is less than one day.”

“It’s not often I complement a vendor, but I wanted to take this moment to thank you both for your recent efforts. You worked hard keeping Telsasoft up and running smoothly as we migrated to our new ENM. Your team’s response was quick and helpful. We are very happy with the level of support we have received and are happy to be a Telsasoft customer.”